Current Research Funding
1. University of Manitoba Ko (PI) 09/2022 – 08/2023
Tri-Agency Bridge Funding
Advancing multi-modal brain imaging analysis method and non-invasive brain stimulation technique
Role: Principal Applicant
2. The Dr. Paul H. T. Thorlakson Foundation Fund Ko (PI) 07/2022 – 12/2023
Research Grant
Does Mild COVID-19 Infection Increase the Risks of Dementia?
Role: Principal Investigator
3. Winnipeg Foundation Ko (PI) 07/2022 – 06/2023
Innovation Fund
Enhancing the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy using non-invasive brain stimulation
Role: Principal Applicant
4. Canadian Institute of Health Research Ng (PI) 07/2021 – 06/2026
Project Grant
The REM-Spike Project: A Set Theoretic Concordance Evaluation of Rapid Eye Movement Sleep in Localizing the Epileptogenic Zone
Role: Co-Applicant
5. Weston Brain Institute Ko (PI) 09/2021 – 11/2025
Transformational Research: Canada 2019 (Parkinson’s & Related Diseases)
Changes in metabolic activity and gait function by dual-task cognitive game-based treadmill system intervention
Role: Principal Applicant
6. University of Manitoba Ko (PI) 07/2021 – 12/2022
University Research Grants Program
Increasing brain connectivity to improve mindfulness which may prevent PTSD
Role: Principal Investigator
For a complete lits of Funding History, please visit: